Roser Oduber: Sombros de un Onimenso extiano Bazart
Kunst: Roser Oduber

Albrecht / Arantes-Müller / Baginsky / Bartholome / Billinger / Boernieck / Brerot / Broel / Büsch / Cepl / Creixell / Doppelfeld / Droese / Dungern / Fahlbusch / Fukushima / Fuß / Heidtmann / Heinze / Helmert / Henn / Hepperle / Hermanns / Heuser / Jäkel / Jung / Kellermann / Kerp / Kisse / Konjunktiv 3Kümpel  / Kurka / Langer / Lenz / Mitzscherlich / Müller-Kageler / Oduber / Pöstges / Raufuss / Rebholz / Reinemer / Sauvageot / Schulmeyer / Stamp / Stephan / Theissen / Touma / Tschauner / Waltermann / Willms

Roser Oduber: Sombros de un Onimenso extiano  
"Sombros de un Onimenso extiano" (1999)
Öl, Kreid und Sand auf Leinwand, 35 x 35
Roser Oduber

Roser Oduber: Geboren 1957 in Panama, lebt in Barcelona.
Roser works the mineral resources in a primitive manner, to express a feeling of origin, to impose a test of memory and to symbolize our belonging to the nature. From their elaboration to their contemplation, her works are spheres of action between the body, the mind and the material. She maintains the sense and the imagination of eternity with a soul full of magic.